Top 10 Blog Posts 2020
Myrmecological News Blog and its editorial team celebrate the end of this very difficult year 2020 with a Top 10 Blog Posts Special and use this occasion to thank all those people who help maintain the blog. Thank You to all who contributed views, reviews, interviews, news, and photoblog contributions on an amazing diversity of ant topics. Thank You to the production team working behind the scenes. And Thank You to all our readers and the amazing feedback through multiple channels! We greatly appreciate it. 🙂
Our blog has now been online since May 2018 (more than two years already…), and today, we present you with the top ten blog posts as measured by total views in the year 2020 (as of 31 December 2020). We wish all our readers a Happy New Year! Stay tuned – there are exciting new contributions in the pipeline for 2021.
A View compiled by Roberta Gibson, Patrick Krapf, Felix Oberhauser, Alice Laciny, Sheethal Veepur, Phil Hoenle, Emeline Favreau, Lina Pedraza, and James Trager

1. Ants of Hong Kong, SAR, China
2. Self-organized walls between Neotropical army-ant colonies
3. A photographic glimpse into Brazil’s ant diversity
5. Talc powder & ethanol: A simple and efficient method for preventing ants from escaping
6. Interview with Philip S.Ward
7. How many ant species are there on Earth?
8. Doing an ant PostDoc: Anindita Brahma
9. Women in Science? Parents in Science? Minorities in Science? “So what”?
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