Phil Hoenle
Hey, my name is Phil and I love everything about ants since I first started collecting them. My curiosity began during vacations in Croatia, where I would observe the exciting trails of Messor seed-harvesting ants. Barely two years later, my room was (to the anger of my parents!) stuffed with dozens of living ant colonies. My ongoing fascination for ants eventually brought me to science. I am currently researching ants of Papua New Guinea as a Post-Doc at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Petr Klimes ant lab. My research is a lot of fun and spans across many ant topics, including their taxonomy, chemistry, natural history, and – most importantly – ecology.
If I’m not busy with doing research on ants I love to take pictures of them!
If you enjoy my pictures and want to see more, check out my Twitter @myrmecophil or iNaturalist:
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