Author: Myrmecological News Blog
A review written by By Livia Pires do Prado, researcher of the Biodiversity Research Program/PPBio – Eastern Brazilian Amazonia, at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi....
In 2024, Myrmecological News awards for the seventh time the Best Paper of the previous year. From January 13th to January 27th, the editorial board...
In their study published today in Myrmecological News, Zhuang et al. revealed two extraordinary fossils preserved in 99-million-year-old Burmese amber. These findings shed fresh light on...
Magdalena Sorger is an accomplished ant scientist originally from Vienna, Austria. She dedicated her scientific career to studying ant taxonomy, ecology and evolution. Though she...
A Photoblog contribution by Phil Hoenle. All pictures © by Phil Hoenle. Edit by Florian Steiner and Salvatore Brunetti In this photoblog contribution, Phil Hoenle shares...
The start of a new year seems a good time to put a spotlight on the Subject Editors of Myrmecol. News, who have worked for...
Mining often leaves behind landscapes we imagine as barren and lifeless. Yet, as PhD student Marie Hovorková discovered, these post-mining “spoil heaps” can host vibrant...
A Review by Alice Laciny Edited by Florian Steiner and Salvatore Brunetti In their recently published paper, Chung et al. present a novel genus of...
Review by Erik T. Frank Edited by Rohini Singh and Salvatore Brunetti In a recent comprehensive review, “Acid Reign: Formicine Ants and their Venoms,” Lukas Koch,...
As part of his doctoral project in Berlin, Lukas Koch worked on a comprehensive literature review of what is known about Formicine ants’ venoms, arguably...
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